Design Thinking

Design Thinking

Design thinking is a product design approach where thinking like a user is the methodology, and user satisfaction is the goal. It is more than cross-functional; it is an interdisciplinary and empathetic understanding of our user’s needs.Design thinking sits right up there with Agile software development, business process management, and customer relationship management.

It’s a real business term and a practice that supports innovation and successful product development.Using an elaborate set of design tools, design thinking brings together what is desirable from a user’s point of view, technologically feasible and economically viable.

The hyper connected digital world calls for organizations to operate in a pragmatic, unique approach to deliver connected customer experience. An approach that is customer centric, a culture that is customer obsessed, a framework that delivers transformational experience – helps companies to stay relevant and succeed.

Design Thinking Process

Design thinking applies a hands-on, user-centered approach to solving a "problem" through a 5-step process: Empathize, Define, Ideate, Iterate, Test.

Who are my users, and what are they trying to do? What limitations, expectations, and hopes do they have for my product? Asking the right questions helps your team solve the right problems. Here, utilize your testers knowledge to think ahead to where possible user pain points will occur.
Use discoveries from the Empathize stage to define user needs. Then, go one step further and think about how these needs will be addressed in the problem to be solved. This is a great place to utilize a test team’s expertise. They know where problems usually arise and can provide key insights during product development.
Consider alternative solutions. A lot of them! This is the "widening" stage where the field of possible solutions is increased. Hold a design studio where each stakeholder draws their solution to the problem, then share and discuss. It’s a fast, collaborative way to generate innovative solutions!
In traditional software testing, changing the design in response to feedback usually carries the negative label of “reworking.” Design thinking tosses this idea, and instead focuses on combining and iterating the best ideas that came from ideation. This paradigm shift enables your testers to engage to their full potential as software experts, rather than simply "bug reporters."
Recreate the scenario in which your users are most likely to be interfacing with your product. This allows you to learn more about interactions or disruptions between the user, the prototype, and the environment, as well as how problems might arise because of that interaction. Remember, you’re testing the product, not the interface. Resist the urge to correct your user if they misinterpret how to use your product. Instead, ask “Why?” and “How did this make you feel?” User feedback is a valuable learning experience.

Our Design Thinking process break organization silos, fast-track innovation and build a culture of trust and collaboration. Leveraging our unique Design Thinking framework, we have helped many organizations transform their business outcomes, promote a culture of end user oriented innovation.

A dedicated team of our experienced designers and developers then takes these insights and begins to conceptualize and design user-centric solutions. We work closely with you to set priorities and ensure that the wireframes, architecture, interfaces and/or prototypes we produce have maximum impact for your brand or business.